Allergy Relief – Managing the Symptoms of Allergies

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Author –  Good Health

If you suffer from sneezing, sniffling and generally feeling miserable from seasonal allergies and hay fever, you are not alone. New Zealand has one of the highest rates of hay fever in the world.

About 20 percent of New Zealanders suffer from hay fever, making it one of the most common ailments. Many people consider hay fever to be a minor disorder, yet it can cause significant discomfort. Other than pollens and grasses, other common allergens are house mites, animal dander and hair, foods such as nuts and seafood, penicillin, and insect stings.

The quick low down…..
Seasonal allergies are officially underway when plants start flowering and pollination begins. This is typically from September to March, with variations in intensity and duration of symptoms.

Interestingly, the word ‘allergy’ originates from two Greek words meaning ‘altered reactivity’. Basically it’s when a person’s immune system over reacts to a substance that is normally harmless.

Why do we get seasonal allergies?
Seasonal allergies occur when the immune system over-reacts to a harmless substance in the environment; usually grasses or pollen. The immune system mistakenly thinks that this harmless substance is dangerous and mounts an attack against it. Allergies occur because the immune system is out of balance and is reacting to something that a healthy immune system wouldn’t do. Cells belonging to our immune system, called basophils, release a chemical called histamine which produces all the unpleasant symptoms related to hay fever and allergies such as sneezing, red itchy eyes, nasal congestion or a runny nose, itching ears and nose, a tickly throat, skin reactions, or even more seriously, can trigger asthmatic or eczema conditions.

Have you tried everything?
No doubt you have your annual routine of either taking an anti-histamine and nasal decongestant or anti-allergic and decongesting products. However, now there’s a new way to support allergies with Immulox; a new innovative approach to balancing the immune system.

Immulox® is rich in Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRPs). Proline-Rich Polypeptides (PRPs) are naturally derived from Colostrum powder and have an immune balancing action that is suited to either an overactive or underactive immune system. So for this time of year it’s ideal if you suffer from allergies or hay fever with an overactive or out-of-balance immune system.

Why are PRPs so good for hayfever?
PRPs (Proline-Rich Polypeptides) help to balance the immune system. They work as messengers that send out chemical signals to either activate your immune response, such as when you get a cold or an infection, or de-activate your immune response as in the case of allergies (allergies occur when your immune system is over-reacting).

This is really important because an allergic response happens when your immune system overreacts to a substance it normally shouldn’t react to and fails to switch off the normal immune response.

PRPs can promote a normal immune response as they are able to ‘switch-off’ an overactive immune response and can inhibit or prevent the inflammation processes creating a well-balanced immune system, just as it should be.

So why not give Immulox® a try – a natural component found in colostrum which is one of the safest and most natural products that could help you fight off your allergy symptoms.

To find out more about Good Health Immulox® click here. To purchase Good Health Immulox® head to:

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Summer Skin Care tips



The summer heat means that we naturally wear short, light clothes, exposing our bodies and faces to the elements. Now is the time to prepare our skin to sustain it through the summer: Remove the grey layer of dead cells, enrich the skin with deep penetrating moisturizers, and recover its softness while nourishing it with vital minerals and vitamins.

Sound complicated? It’s actually very simple. The following tips will show you how dedicating only a few minutes of skin care daily can have lasting results – long after the summer is over.
Removal of excess layers

While peeling off layers of clothing, we can also gently peel and remove the layer of dead cells to uncover fresh and clean skin. Both products, SEACRET, Dead Sea Purifying Peeling Milk and SEACRET, Dead Sea Mineral Rich Peeling Gel are made up of very fine granulesand a complex of Dead Sea minerals, vitamins and plant extracts that give your face a fresh glow and immediate radiance.

Peeling is essential to stimulate processes of removing dead skin cells, grease, excess make-up and dirt that clogs the pores. It helps the skin absorb the nourishing ingredients and skin care products we apply more easily and efficiently.
Although the humidity generally keeps our skin from feeling dry, the second important step is to moisturize the skin. The sun’s rays and extreme heat cause the skin to lose moisture rapidly, without the sense of tautness and dryness we feel during more moderate seasons. The high level of humidity in the air also draws on some of the skin’s moisture (by a diffusion process). This means it is imperative that you use even more moisturizer during the summer season, preferably light gels or creams, such as SEACRET Dead Sea Essential Moisture Face Cream, that absorb easily – reviving the skin and leaving it fresh.

The damage exposure to the sun can cause makes it essential for us to the apply moisturizers that contain vitamins and plant extracts rich in antioxidants in order to neutralize the free radicals caused by the UV rays.
While refreshing your face, don’t forget the rest of your body. Here too, daily use of soap with peeling granules helps slough off dead skin and prepares the skin to absorb the light creamy textures of products such as the SEACRET Dead Sea Body Lotion that is absorbed quickly and nourishes the skin with vital Dead Sea minerals.


The sun’s UV rays

The American Dermatological Association announced over a decade ago that research had shown that exposure to the sun is the main cause for premature aging of the skin. Over the years, they have refined recommendations on how to best use and benefit from sunscreens. First, they recommend distinguishing between sun screens and skin care products.

Secondly, it is important to match the sunscreen to the degree and length of the exposure to the sun. Namely, if you plan on being on the beach, you will need a sunscreen with a high SPF factor (SPF 30 and more), for a drive to the office in the car, a regular (SPF 15-30) sunscreen is sufficient. It is recommended to apply sunscreen to already moisturized skin aboutone hour before leaving the house. It is also important to apply a generous quantity to ensure that all exposed areas are covered completely. When on the beach, remember to reapply sunscreen after every dip in the sea.
Daily Damage Repair

The skin’s natural mechanism works all night to repair the damages it suffers during the day. This is especially true during the summer, however, we can provide the skin the essential nourishment it needsto rehabilitate itself during the night.
At night the skin neutralizes the new free radicals, repairs damage caused to the external layer of cellsby UV rays, and tries to replenish themoisture levels throughout the different skin layers -all of which can be boosted by anexternal application of highly concentrated minerals, vitamins and hydrants. Nightly application of a rich moisturizer, such asSEACRET Dead Sea Intensive Moisture Night Cream and application of a rich nourishing mask such as SEACRET, Dead Sea M4 Mineral Rich Magnetic Mud at least twice a week, will enhance your skin’s ability to repair its damages and let you start the new day with a vital and radiant look.

Eyes – The area around your eyes is the part of the face most sensitive to the effects of UV rays and dryness. That is why it is important to apply moisturizer on the skin around the eyes twice a day to prevent small wrinkles and dryness. Additionally, large-frame sunglasses block UV radiationand protect your vision.
Hair – Sun hats have come back into fashion, and we warmly recommend that you follow the trend, not only to shade your face but also protect your hair, especially colored hair, from losing its shine, vitality and developing split ends. Colored hair can also change its shade when coming in contact with chlorine in swimming pools or with the salt of the sea. What’s more, you should rinse your hair thoroughly with clean water after every dip in the swimming pool or sea to prevent dryness and damage.
Feet – A daily massage of our exposed feet with SEACRET Dead Sea Salt&Oil Scrub, which is rich in salts and oils, will keep your tootsies smooth and prevent them from

cracking and accumulating hard skin on the heels. By applying foot cream every morning you can maintain the vitality and suppleness of the feet all day long.

Artificial tanning – is the healthy and logical way to give your skin a bronze glow. However, don’t forget that most of the self-tanning products on the market do not contain sunscreens and do no help produce the melanin that protects your skin. So, before you step out into the sun, remember to apply sunscreen to your skin, and don’t forget to cover also the back of your hands, neck and shoulders.

Nutrition for Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention — saraxarin



Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamins for Bone Health You can download a printer friendly version of American Bone Health’s BONESENSE on Calcium and Vitamin D. Calcium Calcium is a mineral that helps build strong bones and teeth. While you need calcium throughout your life, the amount you need changes over time. Calcium is critical for […]

via Nutrition for Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention — saraxarin

Nutrition for Bone Health and Osteoporosis Prevention


Calcium, Vitamin D and Vitamins for Bone Health

You can download a printer friendly version of American Bone Health’s  BONESENSE on Calcium and Vitamin D.


Calcium is a mineral that helps build strong bones and teeth. While you need calcium throughout your life, the amount you need changes over time. Calcium is critical for kids during their growing years to build strong bones, a bit less is required during the middle years to keep bones strong, and much more calcium is needed later in life to prevent bone loss.

Your body stores 99% percent of its calcium in your teeth and bones. The other 1% is circulating in your blood and soft tissue. If you do not consume enough calcium through your diet or supplements, your body will take the calcium it needs from your bones. If your body continues to take calcium from your bones, over time, you will develop osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a serious disease in which bones become fragile and therefore more likely to break.

The best way to get the right amount of calcium is to eat enough calcium-rich foods every day. Dairy products and calcium-fortified foods are the best sources of calcium. Certain fruit juices, cereals and breads have added calcium. Non-fat and low-fat dairy products have more calcium than whole milk.

What’s your calcium intake? Try out Dairy Council of California’s calcium quiz.

Vitamin D

There is increasing evidence of an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency. Sun is a primary source of vitamin D for most individuals. Fifteen to 20 minutes of sun exposure on the face and arms is adequate for most people to produce sufficient amounts of vitamin D. But, the use of sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of eight or higher will decrease the skin production of vitamin D by 95%.

American Bone Health has recently published BONESENSE on Vitamin D and the Sun knowing that sun may not be the best source of vitamin D. DOWNLOAD THE PDF.

The best way to determine if you are vitamin D deficient is by measuring 25-hydroxyvitamin-D level. In fact, if you have a fracture, you should be tested and if low or deficient, be treated prior to initiation of a medication for osteoporosis.

For severely vitamin D deficient patients, many doctors are prescribing 50,000 IU 1 to 2 times per week for 3 to 4 weeks and then retesting to determine if the megadose got their vitamin D level in the normal zone. Once replete, these patients typically get 1,000 to 2,000 IUs per day.

Vitamin D and the Sun

Vitamin D is critical for bone health because it helps the intestines absorb calcium – a major building block for bone. One of the best ways to get vitamin D is through sun exposure since our skin has a unique way of transforming ultraviolet rays to a precursor form of vitamin D. The body also regulates vitamin D production so we don’t reach unhealthy levels.


However, the sun brings many potential dangers such as wrinkling, sun burn, and skin cancer ( Sun burn, especially in kids, increases their risk of melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. and overall excessive sun exposure increases basal cell cancer risk substantially over a lifetime.


Some research suggests that small amount of sun exposure is enough to meet daily vitamin D requirements. However, the sun’s rays vary dramatically depending on the time of day, the season and the latitude.

Fortunately, vitamin D can be easily acquired through safe and affordable supplements. American Bone Health recommends that most adults take a minimum of 1,000 but not more than 2,000 international units of vitamin D per day. Children also need vitamin D and you should discuss the appropriate dose with your pediatrician.


Talk to your doctor about whether you should be tested for vitamin D deficiency.

Lactose Intolerance

Milk and dairy products are one of the best sources of dietary calcium. However, some people have trouble digesting milk products because their body lacks lactase, the enzyme that digests milk. People who are lactose intolerant experience gas, bloating or stomach cramps when they eat dairy foods. As many as 50 million Americans are lactose intolerant and this condition occurs more often in certain ethnic groups. In fact, up to 75 percent of all adult African Americans and Native Americans and 90 percent of Asian Americans consider themselves lactose intolerant.

There are a number of ways to meet calcium requirements if you are lactose intolerant:

  • incorporate non-dairy, calcium-rich foods or lactose-reduced dairy products into the diet
  • take calcium supplements
  • use lactase pills or drops which make milk products digestible

Tips for Tolerance

New research finds that most people who are lactose intolerant can enjoy some dairy foods daily. Try these tips to help you comfortably consume dairy foods.

  • Reduce it – Look for lactose-reduced or lactose-free milk in the dairy case at your store. These products have all the nutrients of regular milk.
  • Start small – Try small portions of dairy foods and gradually increase the serving size. This allows whatever lactase is present to do its job of digesting the lactose before it starts causing problems. When you notice symptoms, that may be your personal limit for the amount of lactose you can tolerate at one sitting.
  • Pair the Dairy – Drink milk with other foods, rather than on an empty stomach. Solid foods slow down the digestive process and allow your body more time to digest the lactose – which helps decrease or eliminate symptoms.
  • Now you’re cooking – Start adding milk to your favorite recipes for soups and sauces. Research has shown that your body actively adjusts to the presence of lactose, and symptoms will gradually decrease over as little as 10 days.
  • Older is wiser – That’s true with cheese! When milk is processed into cheese, most of the lactose is removed in the whey, or liquid. Aged hard cheese, such as Cheddar, Colby, Swiss and Parmesan are particularly low in lactose.
  • Get a little “culture” – Look for cultured milk products such as yogurt or buttermilk. These products contain friendly bacteria that help digest lactose.
  • Make it easy – Look for dairy digestive supplements (lactase caplets). These supplements can help you digest lactose easily. Then you can enjoy dairy foods, in any amount, and get all the nutrients they provide.
  • Go to the pros. These tips may not apply to everyone. Talk to your doctor or a registered dietician if you are unsure or want more information better suited to your personal needs.

Text adapted from the National Dairy Council.

Calcium Supplements

It is always best to try to get your nutrition in the foods you eat. However, that is not always possible. If you do not get your recommended daily calcium and vitamin D from food, you may need to supplement your diet.

What’s the best calcium supplement to take? The simple answer is…pick a supplement that you will take regularly! Getting daily calcium is the key. Calcium carbonate and calcium citrate are the most common types of calcium supplements. Calcium carbonate may be less expensive and requires the acid in your stomach to break it down. So be sure to take it with food. Calcium citrate absorbs more easily and is generally more expensive.

Some people experience constipation with calcium. Be sure to drink adequate amounts of water. Taking a calcium that includes magnesium may help. There are many chewable forms of calcium available that may be more convenient for children and older adults. Supplements are sold under brand names and as generics. Many common antacids also contain calcium.

Read the label for the amount of “elemental calcium” per tablet. Elemental calcium is the actual amount of calcium in the supplement that will be made available to your body. This will help you determine how many tablets you need to take to get your daily dose. Also, look for the USP mark to make sure the supplement meets governmental standards for purity and quality.

The key is to follow a healthy, calcium rich diet and take a supplement as needed — the food you eat together with your supplement can meet your total daily calcium requirement.

The Other Bone Health Vitamins

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is important to building strong, healthy bones. Both osteoblasts (bone building cells) and osteoclasts (bone breaking down cells) are influenced by vitamin A.  Despite it good effects, most clinical research links higher vitamin A levels with lower bone density and fractures.

One source of vitamin A is retinol, found in meat and fish, fortified breakfast cereals, and vitamin supplements. Remember that Vitamin A is fat-soluble and stored in our livers. So the liver of fish and animals are particularly rich in vitamin A.

Another source of vitamin A is beta-carotene, found in dark green and orange fruits and vegetables. Beta-carotene is generally considered safe. According to the National Institutes of Health, the RDA for men age 19+ is 3,000 International Units (IUs) and 2,330 IUs for women in the same age range.

Too much vitamin A (more than 3,000 mcg or 10,000 IU/day) will give you a headache and has been linked to bone loss. Pay particular attention to this possibility if you eat liver or take supplements.

Sources of vitamin A: Cantaloupe, carrots, cheese pizza, eggs, fatty fish, fat-free milk, kales, liver, mangoes, sweet potatoes, and spinach

More on vitamin A

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 appears to have an effect on bone building cells.

A March 2005 Tufts University study done by Katherine Tucker and her colleagues showed that low levels of vitamin B12 are linked to a higher risk of osteoporosis in both men and women. Vitamin B12 is found in meat and fish, making vegans, who don’t eat meat or dairy, at risk for bone loss.

People who have had a gastric bypass or have gastrointestinal disorders that cause poor absorption of fat lose the ability to absorb B12. Elderly people in their 80s and 90s may develop changes in the linings of the stomach that prevents them from absorbing iron and B12. In these cases where absorption is an issue, doctors may give injections of B12, bypassing the digestive tract, so patients get the benefits of the vitamin.

Sources of Vitamin B12: Dairy products, eggs, fish, fortified breakfast cereal, meat, milk, poultry, shellfish, supplements

More on vitamin B12

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is important for healthy gums and healthy bones. Vitamin C is essential to the formation of collagen, the foundation that bone mineralization is built on. Studies have associated increase vitamin C levels with greater bone density.

Vitamin C is water-soluble and the most common reason for low levels is poor intake.  Some people with poor absorption will have lower levels of this vitamin.  The elderly who are in nursing home tend to have lower levels of vitamin C.  Smokers also tend to have lower blood levels of vitamin C because their intestines do not absorb vitamin C normally. (Yet another reason to stop smoking!)

Sources of Vitamin C: broccoli, bell pepper, cauliflower, kale, lemons, oranges, papaya, strawberries

More on vitamin C

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is important to normal bone growth and development. This vitamin helps attract calcium to the bone.  Low blood levels of vitamin K are associated with lower bone density and possibly increased fracture risk. However, clinical trials have not shown vitamin K supplementation to be helpful in improving bone density.

Vitamin K deficiency is uncommon in healthy adults probably because it is found in many of the foods that we eat every day. People on a blood thinner should not be taking vitamin K.

Sources of Vitamin K: Broccoli (cooked), Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Canola oil, kale, olive oil, parsley (raw), spinach, and Swiss chard

Patriarchy as a System of Male Dominance Created at the Intersection of the the Control of Women, Private Property, and War, Part 1 by Carol P. Christ

carol p. christ 2002 color

Patriarchy is often defined as a system of male dominance. This definition does not illuminate, but rather obscures, the complex set of factors that function together in the patriarchal system.  We need more complex definition if we are to understand and challenge the the patriarchal system in all of its aspects.

Patriarchy is a system of male dominance, rooted in the ethos of war which legitimates violence, sanctified by religious symbols, in which men dominate women through the control of female sexuality, with the intent of passing property to male heirs, and in which men who are heroes of war are told to kill men, and are permitted to rape women, to seize land and treasures, to exploit resources, and to own or otherwise dominate conquered people.*

Marx and Engels said that the patriarchal family, private property, and the state arose together. Though their understanding of the societies that preceded “patriarchy” was flawed, their intuition that patriarchy is…

Voir l’article original 1 308 mots de plus

Bone Health – Prevent Osteoporosis By Easing Inflammation

  1. {66F5E345-8CBB-4BFE-A011-D426CAA1D585}Doc-Patient-Skeleton

    by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP

    One factor that’s often overlooked in the prevention of osteoporosis is reducing chronic inflammation. It’s important to take a look at this, because inflammation can interfere with your own body’s natural ability to repair bone mass. Over time, this leads to brittle bones that are common in osteoporosis. You have several choices to help you limit the damage caused by chronic inflammation. Let’s look at them together.


    A closer look at your bone health

    Let’s look at some of the small changes you can make in your lifestyle and dietary habits to help maintain your bone health. Whether you are concerned about maintaining bone health, or you’ve already been told you have osteoporosis or osteopenia, it’s always a good idea to take good care of yourself. Symptoms of an inflammatory condition, including osteoporosis, can be managed in safe and natural ways which are effective. Changes you make today help shape your future!

     Nurture healthy bacteria. Your gastrointestinal system is the source of nutrition for your cells daily functioning. If your cells are having trouble absorbing nutrients from the foods you take in, you are at risk for inflammation and osteoporosis.

    Part of the problem we often have with absorption starts because we don’t have enough of the “good” bacteria that helps in digesting food and absorbing nutrients. This necessary bacterium also helps us to fight off substances like systemic yeast. Some steps you can take to help keep maintain good levels of gut flora are:

Get plenty of fiber in your diet. Friendly bacteria love fiber.

Add foods to your diet like yogurt, kefir, kimchee and sauerkraut. These are “living” foods.

Try to gradually decrease your intake of red meat.

Try taking a probiotic supplement on a regular basis if you have digestive troubles. This can help restore the natural bacteria in your GI system.

 Pursue a high-alkaline, anti-inflammatory diet. An anti-inflammatory diet has a lot in common with an alkalizing diet that supports bone health. Consider these suggestions:

Try adding extra servings of alkalizing fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and high-quality fats to your daily diet.

Try cooking foods slowly or simmering, instead of frying. Foods retain more nutrients when they are cooked slowly; deep-fried foods are more difficult for our bodies to digest.

Try to avoid red meat and processed foods. Other things to limit in your diet are refined sugars and grains as these often contain high amounts of additives, artificial colorings, flavorings and preservatives.

 Take gluten off your menu. Research has shown a direct link between gluten reactivity and bone health. Whether you have been diagnosed with celiac disease or just have a mild intolerance to gluten, it sets off an inflammatory process which places your bone health at risk.

It’s much easier to implement a gluten-free diet now that there is such a wide variety of a food available. Many stores have whole sections dedicated to gluten-free foods. There is an extra benefit in eating gluten-free: since many foods which contain gluten are acid-forming, removing these will naturally lead you in the direction of a more alkaline dense diet.

 Detoxify. Sometimes we don’t realize a certain food is making us feel sick until we eliminate it. Food sensitivities and allergies place our bone health at risk by stimulating the body’s inflammatory process. To help identify foods you may be sensitive to, experiment by removing a suspected substance from your diet for two weeks. Then reintroduce it and see how you feel.

 Add omega-3s to your diet. I really can’t overstate the importance of these fatty acids. They stop inflammation and reduce the risk of complications in many areas of our health, including our bone health.

Foods which are especially rich in omega-3s include wild-caught Pacific salmon, mackerel, flax seed and walnuts. It’s easy to include these in your diet and reduce inflammation. You may also want to think about supplementing with an omega-3 supplement.

 Vitamin D. Nature provides us with Vitamin D through sunlight, but not everyone spends enough time in the sun. It’s been estimated that up to a billion of the world’s population is Vitamin D deficient!

Vitamin D is important, not just for bone health. Low levels of this important vitamin have been linked to diabetes, increased risks of cancer and to heart disease. All of these diseases have aof inflammation.

Vitamin D is important in helping our bodies absorb calcium and also aides in the removal of old bone tissue. At Women to Women we recommend 2,000 IU of supplemental Vitamin D3 daily to ensure your health.

Vitamin K. Vitamin K has been somewhat of a mystery until recently. Now we have discovered.that there is a whole family of these K vitamins. We know that they help limit the loss of calcium from the kidneys, and help to retain several of the proteins needed for bone production. Certain plant foods contain vitamin K1, and some traditional fermented foods contain vitamin K2 (sauerkraut, natto and kimchee). Most of us don’t get enough Vitamin K in our diet.

 Magnesium (Mg.

 Research has shown low magnesium levels to be associated with decreased bone mass,whichleads to brittle bones. Foods to include in your diet which are high in magnesium include spinach, almonds, avocados and soy. Taking a good multivitamin with minerals, including magnesium is also a good idea.

Looking ahead

It’s good to know there are steps you can take now to help support your bones. You don’t have to let inflammation disrupt your body’s natural balance as it processes healthy bone tissue. You can calm inflammation and feel healthy and whole today and in the future.

Understanding Test Results – Necessary For Women’s Health Maintenance

Necessary For Women’s Health Maintenance

  1. by Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN N

A big part of staying healthy is being informed. If you know what your body is saying, you can begin to think about what you can do to make positive changes. Lab results help us to track progress and provide us with power and incentive.

I would like to help you look at some vital information so you can get a better understanding of some common medical tests. By having a basic knowledge of these routine tests, you can better advocate for yourself.

  •  Mammogram: assesses breast health
  •  TSH  (thyroid-stimulating hormone): assesses thyroid health
  •  CRP and hs-CRP  (C-reactive protein): checks for inflammatory processes
  •  Iron and ferritin: checks iron levels
  •  DEXA Scan (Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry): bone density test
  •  Vitamin D: Checks Vitamin D levels
  •  LH and FSH (Luteinizing Hormone and follicle stimulating hormone): assesses menopausal symptoms, polycystic ovary disorder, or fertility issues
  •  NTx (N-telopeptide): checks for bone health
  •  Blood glucose: assesses for diabetes
  •  Lipid profile: assesses for cardiovascular risk

Within “normal” limits– we prefer “optimal”

Many conventional practitioners look at lab results based on a “normal” range. When I view my patient’s results, I interpret results using a narrower scale. I usually take the average of the two extremes, plus 25% on either side of that number. If my patient’s result falls outside of this range, we want to initiate some changes. By being proactive, we can often avoid complications before they become permanent or more severe.

Much of today’s medical practice is aimed at fixing problems once they occur rather than at the prevention. Many practitioners use lab testing and imaging studies to diagnosis disease rather than looking at them to paint a picture of a woman’s overall health and well-being before illness sets in. Many women tell me they had no idea they were sick until their disease had progressed to the point of requiring prescription drugs to treat their ailments.

The truth is, most medical offices are so busy most primary care physicians don’t have or take the time to go over each test result or its meaning with their patients. In today’s healthcare system, you are your own best resource and can learn to advocate for yourself.

Charting your own course to wellness

Even the very best doctor can’t know what it’s like to live in your body. We all have our own personal stories and are living our own lives. Our individual histories and our present circumstances influence our health in multiple ways, making us all unique. Blood levels which are normal for you, might not suit another woman at all, just like a weight which is healthy for me, might cause problems for someone else.

All practitioners agree some lab test results require immediate attention, no matter who the patient may be. For most patients though, we’re reviewing small changes. When I review any of the tests I’ve listed above, I compare them to past results and look at the patient as a whole. If I see a pattern, we can intervene quickly, before disease sets in or worsens.

Medical testing and modern technology, coupled with the wisdom of your own body, allow us to prevent disease and assure you of a long and healthy future. If we use our knowledge, not to react, but to proactively act by taking the steps necessary to prevent illness, we will achieve wonderful outcomes.

This article is in Women’s Health Testing

Stoney — Sesquiotica

Books you’ve had for a long time may seem like a trip down memory lane. But a book is more than a lane, especially if it carries an important part of your formative years. It’s more of a memory neighbourhood. Smetimes when you visit it you notice that it’s still a living neighbourhood. And sometimes […]

بواسطة Stoney — Sesquiotica

Quick Weight Loss – Some Sound Advice

 Very Long healthy weight loss

How many of you are searching for the perfect quick weight loss diet? Well probably most of you outthere would love to find some great ways to do so. If that’s the case here are some suggestions to consider.
While there are many advertised quick weight loss diets the secret to losing weight is basically to burn off more calories through exercise and activity than you take in through eating. But it is more than just calories and more than just exercise.
Many people would think that the fastest way to lose weight is to starve yourself and then work out constantly. And that may be nice in theory but it usually doesn’t work out too well in practice.
So here are some solid suggestions to consider. The first thing is that you do certainly want to minimize the amount of food you eat in a day. This may be significantly less than you normally eat. So you’ll probably be very hungry. One suggestion therefore is to drink plenty of fluids which contain no calories (ie water).
Drinking lots of water will tend to make you feel fuller. And it happens to be good for your body as it can help to flush out impurities and toxins trapped in your tissues.
Eat plenty of vegetables like lettuce and celery. They are low in calories but high in fiber. So they are good for the body and tend to make you feel fuller. Limit your intake of fats and carbohydrates. And by all means avoid sugars! Try to stick primarily with lean meats as well as fruits and vegetables.
If you eat your biggest meal at night have it earlier than usual so that you can be active longer than usual. The worst thing is to have a big meal later in the evening and then settle down.
Which brings up the topic of exercise. In order to have the best success in quick weight loss you must exercise. This needn’t be overly involved. For example you don’t have to go to the gym or hire a personal trainer. Simply doing some brisk walking around your neighborhood every day is a great start. First thing is the morning is usually a great way to start your day and keep your mind sharp and your body active.
If you follow some of these simple suggestions you should have great success at quick weight loss. Since you should be burning more calories than you are taking in you can’t help but lose weight. It really works!
Jake Chappelle has been in the military and fitness industry for more than 10 years. His goal is to get U.S. citizens in better healthy shape. For more information on quick weight loss, please visit